Thursday, July 29, 2010

Entertainment Tonight

Thaleia's stomach infection seemed to have cleared. At least she does not give out loose stools for seven times a day anymore. I'm still waiting for her stool test results. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Dr Ang was shocked at the frequency of her loose stools and ordered a test immediately yesterday when we went to her.

She's been a happy cheerful babe despite her upset stomach.
Caught this really cute dance on video was pure entertainment for Granny, Aunties, Uncle, Mama and Papa..who were all just chilling out on the sofa after a long day. Cousin Elijah, Yolanda, Ezra and Charity are kids who are very spontaneous!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Music and Lyrics

Hurray!! Finally found a piano without batteries!
Remembered playing with one of these when I was small.
Met my usual lunch kaki Dawn for lunch today and collected this from the online seller. It looks like a repro of the old classic one but for me, it's good enough..Can't wait to return home and play songs with Thaleia tonight!
She has 2 favourites tunes now..the good old Incy Wincy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars.

First encounter with Diahorrea...

Yesterday, after service, Thaleia's stomach acted up again.She had loose stools for 4 times after that. Her bum turned as red as that of a baboon's (I'm not's the same type of RED). Cried at the top of her lungs, refused to be carried in an upright position again..David and I took turns to cradle her through the night. We still fed her usual formula milk which we realised, the next morning, that it was the wrong move.

Thaleia's PD (Paeditrician) said she has an infection in her stomach. Having formula milk with lactose would only aggravate the stomach which does not process the milk well when such infection is present. He also explained the redness....all I hear is no milk with lactose, no fruits, no vegetables, no fibre for Thaleia for the next one week. I spent the whole morning waiting for our turn to see the PD. Thank God for Anna who helped and came along.

When I went to NTUC to grab a bottle of soy-based formula milk powder, there was a card at the top of the milk tin which says something like, "It's 2am. Your baby is having diahorrea..what do you do?" I never knew we should keep a bottle of soy-based milk powder as emergency. Another lesson learnt for the day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A nice rainy and cool Sunday

Happiness! Reunited with Thaleia and David on Friday after a work trip to Shanghai this week..only 4 days away and I felt she looked different already. Unfortunately over this weekend, Thaleia had some stomach problems. She poo-ed for 3 times yeserday, refused to be carried in an upright postion and needing me to cradle her at the time.

But because she looked better today or at least there were no signs of discomfort, we whizzed her off for the Sunday Service.

Normally she would be dancing around with the music amongst the kids but today she decided to be the silent observer standing by..

And then she became Thaleia The Explorer..

Just when the class was about to end, Thaleia poo-ed in her pants and we headed for home sweet home. Praying that the stomach problem will go away soon!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Uninterrupted Session of Silent Reading

"Dear Zoo" was a Christmas gift from a good friend of mine, who is a happy stay home mum to 2 really beautiful children. It was her first lift-the-flap book and definitely generated her interest in books. We read this to her since she was 7months old and now at 15mths, she enjoys "reading" it herself..

Check out Little Miss Pouty doing silent reading

Thursday, July 1, 2010

All about Books – I Spy with Spot (a turn-the-wheel book)

Picked up this book at the Popular bookstore in City Square Mall. It was the adorable looking puppy that caught my eye. The book was sealed up in plastic so tightly that it was hard to get a view of the contents inside. I was pleasantly surprised by the interesting pictures and concepts within. It starts with Spot waking up in the morning and looking out of the window, having breakfast, going to school, painting a picture and finally playing with his friends.

This quickly became one of Thaleia’s after-shower books. Daddy turns the wheel in “excitement” while Mummy tries to dry her, pull a romper over her head, wear a diaper before the pages finish. The vivid colours, the pretty pictures and the wheel-turning effect definitely held her attention.

Page 1:
Spot wakes up and looks out of the window. What does he see?
Turning the wheel shows a bird, then a kite, then a sun and then falling leaves..

Page 2:
Spot is having breakfast with his dad. What will he have?
Turning the wheel shows a cup of orange juice, milk, hard boiled egg and so on..

I never knew dogs can drink orange juice. And, this is a lucky puppy, when he wakes up, he has the TIME to watch birds!!