Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Practising Hand-Eye Coordination

Months ago, Thaleia used to enjoy playing with this fishing boat. Kept the toy back in the box for a while when she got bored of it. This week I took out the fishing boat again. But we realised the little one has long forgotten how to perform her fishing. And she got frustrated trying, she screamed and had Daddy coming out of the bathroom wondering what has happened.
Well, it took a few tries before she got the hang of it again.

Here's a clip of Thaleia hooking up 8 fishes..

Going to keep the fishing boat again and test her 1 week later. It's quite fun to see her grappling with the fact that she lost a skill she used to have and try again. Hehe..


  1. Can she pick 4 number for me? Need a windfall from Singapore pools :)

  2. K tonight i ask her to pick for you

  3. She pick 3109 for you..

    1st fish : 3
    2nd fish : 10
    3rd fish: 9.

